LoD has been doing a lot of small to medium scale Fort Fights in Crowfall. Here are a few of our recent wins!

LoD has been doing a lot of small to medium scale Fort Fights in Crowfall. Here are a few of our recent wins!
Crowfall’s War Story of the Week: https://crowfall.com/en-US/warstories/we-got-zerged The outnumbered Death Alliance takes on DiS + YBR + HaX defending our keep. Just as we begin to put the attackers on the defensive the rest of the zerg arrives when W+HoA show up. Coincidence? I think not. The zerg won this time but it took the entire server working against us.
During a stress test event 60 Death Alliance defend our keep from 90 WHoADiS Alliance.
The Death Alliance takes down a Winterblades Keep in a Crowfall Dregs Campaign!