War Story of the Week: Epic 42 vs. 90+ Siege Defense The Death Alliance rallies to defend our keep! The battle began with a 40+ Player Winterblades Force outside our keep. We rode out to face them and prevent their siege engines from breaching our walls. After pushing Winterblades back we noticed a HAX siege force of 40+ players attacking the opposite end of our keep. They breached the walls and quickly went after the wards in our keep stronghold. We were able to push the HAX force out of the keep just as the Winterblades rallied and broke through the walls. We pushed the Winterblades force back out of…

Death is Victorious!

The Death Alliance was victorious in the month long Crowfall “Inguzelan” campaign. It was a hard fought campaign. We captured 3 keeps, 1 from the HAX and Dissentient alliance and 2 from the Spectre Legion, Valeria and Acolytes Alliance. We defend our keeps numerous times including two heavily outnumbered defenses against HAX and Dissentient. One of the outnumbered keep defenses was named Crowfall’s War Story of the Week!

Crowfall War Story of the Week!

Death vs. HAX vs. CC/UXA/Valeria As we (Death) approach the fort we find DiS/HaX already fighting CC/Valeria. We flank around the backside of the fort to sandwich DiS/HaX between us and CC/Valeria. We score a few kills but then see a group of UXA (who are allied with CC/Valeria) approaching from behind us. In order to not get sandwiched ourselves we back away from the fort and loop around to the opposite side to finish off the remaining HAX/DiS. Then a standoff begins between Death and CC/UXA/Valeria. Death was outnumbered roughly 2:1. We scored a lot of kills but we…