Guild Update

We do not have official game but we are always playing something: APB: We have a group of LoD playing. Darkfall: We continue to have a presence in Darkfall. CairnPart1 World of Warcraft: We have group of players playing on Ner’zhul focusing on the PVP aspects of the game. We are following the upcoming releases for a possible guild push: Darkfall 2 ( Guild Wars 2 ( Old Republic has fallen off our radar due to the poor state of PVP, hopefully they can improve that prior to release.

Guild Update

UO IPY: Several LoD have quit IPY due to the grind and poor game mechanics. We still have a small presence and the primarily focus is PKing. Darkfall: We have a small force that is now allied with SB. Rift: The majority of LoD is playing rift and as you can by the following video they have been busy with pking and PVP: Upcoming: We are looking at having a guild presence in Old Republic and Guild Wars 2: