Our server was temporarily in California while a Chicago IP address opened up. So we are now located in Chicago and it should give it more balanced ping not only for those in the US, but those in Eastern Europe and Canada as well. The server status bar on the right will be updated in the coming days. The new Battlelog link is: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/1aa30f42-b67f-40ff-8426-93455888a50b/LordsofDeath-com-Rush-Conquest-24-7-Chicago-Reddit-RUGC/ It is currently playing alternating Small Conquest and Rush game modes! Get in there and start fragging!
LoD Official 64 Player Server
Come join our 64 player Battlefield 3 server!! The name of the server in battlelog is: “24/7 Conquest [LoD] [Reddit RUGC]” The public mumble info is: mumble.redditgaming.com port 64738 Good teamwork requires good communication! We are teamed up with the RUGC to provide a public mumble for anyone that wants to work together on our server! Stay up to date with BF3 news and info and gather with fellow RUGC members. Go here! We also have server specific stats and top 10 player stats available. Click here to goto our gametracker website and view your player statistics. Current Top 10…
Guild Wars 2
We have been following the development of Guild Wars 2, this game looks like it will be legit. Here is an article I found on VG247 talking about PVP: Royal Rumble: Johanson talks Guild Wars 2 PvP Going hands-on at Eurogamer Expo 2011, a level 80 Stace Harman tackled Guild Wars 2′s PVP and chatted with ArenaNet’s lead content designer. “Guild Wars 1 had a really interesting stereotype,” ArenaNet’s lead content designer Colin Johanson muses after my four versus four, player versus player hands-on at Eurogamer Expo. “A lot of people that hadn’t played it thought that it was a…
Upcoming MMO’s
Bioware has announced a release data for Old Republic 12/20/2011. My impressions of the game still remain the same that leveling is entertaining and the PVE is done well. PVP is still boring and repetitive, and do not predict our guild officially playing Old Republic. Since we are in game limbo I assume a few of us will pick up Old Republic to see if anything has improved by retail. Here is a glimpse of current state of the PVP: It still looks like Guild Wars 2 is going to be the next great hope for decent PVP, here is…