New World Siege Action – The Fall of Everfall!

New World Siege Action – The Fall of Everfall!
WHAX Alliance shows up with well over 100 people more than an hour early to cap out the zone. They hold a respawn statue with overwhelming numbers to prevent Death Alliance from pushing them out the zone. After failing to take the respawn statue, Death Alliance sets up in the field between the keep and the nearby respawn statue. Death Alliance holds up in the field, delaying WHAX from placing siege engines. Eventually Death is pushed back to the walls and WHAX is able to place siege and open up a wall section. Death rallies in the breach and holds… After capturing an undefended keep from HAX the Death Alliance heads to Essen Wildwood zone to hopefully intercept the HAX forces offensive siege attempt on Spectre Legion. Unfortunately, the zone is already full and we only manage to get a few players in. HAX successfully destroys the Spectre Legion keep but loses a second undefended keep in the process. Once Spectre Legion’s keep falls, the zone clears out enough that Death Alliance is able to rally in the zone to prevent HAX from planting a seed to capture the keep. As we push into the keep to fight the…