Das Tal: Interview with Obs
Das Tal – PvP Sandbox MMORPG Player Interview: Obs (LoD) We’ve spent a lot of time talking about us and about our game. Today we start to put the focus on the most important part of Das Tal: Our players. To give you an idea of who else is playing the game we’re going to put a spotlight on distinguished clans and community members. Today, we’ll start off with the most successful group of our latest play tests, Lords of Death: Alex: Who are you and who is LoD? Obs: LoD is an veteran hardcore PvP guild…

Das Tal Pre-Alpha
“Shadowplay wasn’t working so I had to go with Fraps, hence the poor fps/quality. Also, they hosted their servers in Europe this time which means I averaged 200 ms so I had my quality settings at the absolute lowest. Even with all the lag it was still a blast. I have about 3 hours of footage and it was hard to eliminate all the stuff I didn’t use. Another cool thing is when the Devs come into our channel after the test and ask us for feedback. Definitely going to be awesome to see how this game works when they…