LoD is recruiting for Conqueror’s Blade! We’ve been playing since the open beta launch and have already made some noise in the territory wars. Guild ID 17923 and we’re currently based out of Osteria Region. Apply here and join us in Discord.

LoD is recruiting for Conqueror’s Blade! We’ve been playing since the open beta launch and have already made some noise in the territory wars. Guild ID 17923 and we’re currently based out of Osteria Region. Apply here and join us in Discord.
Here is Thorin making short work of some nubs. Check out his amazing fight and the rage he probably created. If you need a video to show how to handle multiple enemies, here is a good start.
Smashing some n00bs 2v6 in Crowfall.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogtPD7NZOIs&align=right&showinfo=0]A quick little clip that we know Obs would appreciate! Awesome work Harry!